SHALOM - The consoling peace of the word of God for restless souls.
'Metho 2010' is the welcome celebration of the healing flame of the word of God towards all, who come together with faith, hope and unadalterated love. Meltho invites us to listen to learn
and internalize, the living word during the third fellowship at the Campus Crusade campsite. The fragrance of the Meltho during the last couple of years, truly lingers in our minds and consciousness.
The fire of the living word is lit and its glow is translated from heart to heart. It is actually a personal encounter with the One who declared: "I am the light of the world". Here the transforming
power of the Word is acknowledged and accepted in all humility, by all who come todrink from its pure springs.
We are back in the Campus Crusade Hall - the Meltho grounds - to taste the Word and to realise that the Lord is good to all. This undying message has to be proclaimed to all. The Orthodox parishes, priests and people in Bangalore are blessed to be in the shadow of Meltho's blessings. Let us take the light of the Word of God to our hearts, homes, dreams and relationships. As we dare to stand in its light, we could see ourselves
in it and in a better manner.
It is a God given opportunity to look within ourselves with a spirit of deep introspection, to purify the inner person through real repentance and re-dedication. Giving a new direction to habits and emotion is a real challenge for every thoughtful person. It shall also remind us of our duties toward our fellow beings - the co-traveller in this pilgrimage of faith which we call our life.
The Word of God strengthens and empowers us to confront the covert designs of the evil one, and keep away from all kinds unrighteousness and sinfulness. Meltho is intended to give us the strength and will to redirect and sublimate our thoughts and feelings, and help us acquire a new and Godly attitude towards our daily life and dealings. St. Paul tells us, "love holds everything and everybody together"; Meltho challenges us to celebrate and disseminate the warmth of love granted to us by the Lord of our lives.
May the transforming power of the Spirit of God fill us with a glow of the Word during the three day festival of “Meltho”. I send my good wishes to the organisers and the participants.
May the grace of God be upon you all!